Royal Envoy 3 Level 56

Royal Envoy 3 Level 56 Rating: 6,5/10 8340 reviews

We have a collection of royal envoy 3 free games for you to play. - Free Online Games. Play Free Games Online. Royal Envoy 2. The kingdom is blooming, but there is one problem left. Level knight up. Royal Envoy 3. Royal Envoy 3. Download and play Buy game licence South Ocean. HMS 'Islandshire' is exploring the white spots on the map. All of a sudden they see new lands! Previously unknown islands contain immense supplies of fish, pearls, troves of ancient pirate treasure and vast deposits of gold.

The Royal Envoy 2 walkthrough provides you with step-by-stepinstructions to achieve 3 stars for all levels including the expertmode. Also included are videos for the most difficult levels andthe 30 Challenges levels.
Gaming Hints
  • As you progress in the game you will be able to build more expensive but higher producing housing.
    • Mansion 500 wood and food, 3 workers 2000 gold
    • Villa 250 wood and food 3 workers 1000 gold
    • Chalet 125 wood and food 2 workers 500 gold
    • Cottage 50 wood and food 2 workers 200 gold
    • Cabin 25 wood and 25 food 1 worker 100 gold
  • Agarden will cost the original amount of food and use the same number ofworkers to add on to housing; a garden will increase the rent by 50%
  • Anupgrade will cost the original amount of wood and use the same numberof workers to add on to housing; an upgrade will increase the rent by50%.
  • Thus, you can double your rent income by upgrading and adding a garden
  • Asyou progress in the game, all production buildings (sawmill, market,bank, dovecote) will become more expensive and require more workers tobuild.
  • Food and wood do not become more expensive to buy; however, you must buy larger quantities as you progress in the game.
  • Newto this edition, you will have stands of trees, berry bushes, and goldpiles to chop, pick, and mine. These will offer ever-increasingamounts as the game progresses.
  • In addition, some levels will have forestries, farms, and mines where you can send workers to produce resources.
  • Note,that you will get resources more quickly by getting them from trees,bushes, and gold piles then in a building so get those first.
  • Demolishingbuildings will provide you with half the resources that went intobuilding them (whether you build them or they are provided at thebeginning of the level). Demolition will require the same numberof workers as it does to build.
  • You can hire workers with food resources.
  • Happinessstructures cost an ever increasing amount of resources. It ismuch less expensive to build several lower happiness buildings.
  • Thedovecote is necessary to build in many levels that require happiness. Each dove purchased will provide 10 happiness per building, so afull dovecote (5 doves) will provide 50 happiness per house. Itis cheaper to add gardens to housing for happiness but many times youdon't have the lots available or in snowy areas can't build gardens.
  • To play in Expert mode, you need to finish all 63 levels, and then find the whirlpool
  • Toplay the Challenges, you need to back in the regular mode and not inexpert mode. If you try to play in expert mode, the timing isflat out not possible.
Marshy Lowlands - Levels 1 to 4

Western Arctic - Levels 5 to 8

Foothills - Levels 9 to 14

Isle of Mystery - Levels 15 to 20

Mountain Valley - Levels 21 to 27

Palm Coast - Levels 28 to 34

Wastelands - Levels 35 to 41

Valley of the Nymphs - Levels 42 to 48

Eastern Arctic - Levels 49 to 56

Trembling Earth - Levels 57 to 63


Content(s) of this game guide may not be copied orpublished on any other site without permission from Casual Game Guides.© 2006 - 2020
The masterplan oasis lyrics meaning.

By pbel77
I am having a really hard time..]exactly. I did notice the walkthroug..
By pbel77
Cannot seem to get thru level 56 on Royal Envoy. Following walkthrough exactly, but its not working. What am I missing? No problem with any other levels.
please help.
ps - love all your walkthroughs
By pearljean
I am having the same problem with Level 56..I noticed I'm not getting back half the resources after I demolish the statues..why is that?
By linus
You don't need the statues, but you have to build a sawmill, then a workshop. When your workshop is built you can demolish the statues to gain their wood resources (a workshop is required to obtain resources from destroying). You can then finish the level easily.
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