Satellite Reign Youtube

Satellite Reign Youtube Rating: 6,2/10 8195 reviews

Satellite Reign is The Syndicate Wars You Remember. You may also like. Razer Just Won the Wireless Headphone Wars With Pikachu Earbuds That. Satellite Reign uses Steam cloud save by the way, so it should be possible log on to your Steam account on a Windows computer and get it that way, or if you just want to make sure you can save the agents, I made a tutorial on how to get the data for each agent from the save game file. Then you can add them to another save game file.

Powered by Trusted Reviews Available on PCBack in 1993, Bullfrog made a ground-breaking cyberpunk tactical combat game called Syndicate. Its 1996 sequel, Syndicate Wars, was one of gaming’s lost Ur-genres, an even darker game about religion in a fully-destructible cityscape. Both were perfect recreations of grim cyberpunk worlds that you had to take over with your gang of cyborgs, by stealth, hacking or straightforward ultraviolence.Satellite Reign (named punningly after Satellite Rain, the most indiscriminately-destructive of Syndicate Wars’ weapons) is a spiritual sequel to those games. You take control of a corporation seeking to muscle in another corp that’s dominating your city, using a group of four specialised cyborgs.Despite the wealth of text in the game (or perhaps because of it), we’re somewhat hazy on what the actual storyline is.

It appears that the Dracogenics corporation has taken over everything, using a technology that makes people functionally immortal, and you’re a rival corporation trying to break their monopoly – for your own dark purposes rather than human happiness, of course.Given it’s setting, it’s no surprise how like Blade Runner the environments are. Flashing neon, dark metal, great billboards with women writhing on them – it’s the dark unborn future of the 1980s.

Everywhere, there are people sitting on the ground, or wandering aimlessly – whether they’re tramps, stuck in some VR world, hopped up on Substance D, or just workers with nowhere to rest, it’s never clear. Shielded guards patrol past them, accompanied by aerial drones, ignored by all.What’s wonderful is that, after a very short tutorial, you and your agents are just dumped into this huge open world. You can go anywhere along its maze of walkways, hide in its alleys, climb through a hundred vents, hack its cash machines and generally make a huge nuisance of yourself.

Everywhere you go, you can establish fast-travel relay stations and as you do so, these reveal new nearby targets for you. Infiltrating (or storming) these buildings and compounds can give you cash, some upgrades, other just advance you in the story. In that sense, it’s a traditional RPG, closer to a real action version of the Shadowrun games.At any one time you have a squad of four specialists. Oddly, they don’t have as much character as Syndicate Wars dehumanised everyman cyborgs – perhaps because of their focus on too-familiar character archetypes – soldier, infiltrator, hacker and support. Each one can be individually kitted out, with weapons, sidearms, silencers, and cyborg bits, but has a bespoke skill tree, meaning that they’re the only ones who can do certain things. The infiltrator can cloak, backstab and snipe, the support can scan the world for information or heal/buff the team, the hacker can hack anything in sight, and the soldier can tank gunfire and break mechanical objects.See also:Especially at the game’s start, combat is unforgiving. Your squad are all reliable shots, so taking out one enemy is straightforward.


But, as soon as you run into a few or, worst of all, wander through a camera’s line of sight, reinforcements start heading your way. Unless you can jam gates to prevent their entrance, you’ll gradually get overwhelmed in running battles or cowering behind cover. (When the AI is working that is – it was unreliable in the 1.0 version we were playing for review). And, though your agents can be revived easily, they might lose any special bonuses their source had.Because, yes, in a dark twist, your hacker can kidnap people with unusual stats off the street and send them off to be the new hosts for your team’s ‘personalities’. This means that you don’t lose their levelling up when someone dies, but you do lose any bonuses that the host had.So it pays to take care when assaulting a compound – walk around it first, watch the enemy’s patrol routes, find backdoors and ultimately pay money to information brokers or individuals roaming the world for tips. Then you disable any security cameras, hack the gate codes, avoid the guards (or take them down silently), and get into the base proper – then get out with your prototypes before the reinforcements arrive.

Every mission has a story, especially when they screw up.See also:Once you’ve got a prototype, you have a choice. You can either use it immediately on one of your troops and risk losing it if they die – or send it off to be researched. Your corporation has a team of researchers that you’ve bribed off the streets who reverse-engineer any tech you find for your use. It’s terribly expensive though, so you’ll need a constant stream of cash (from hacked cash machines and bank jobs) to pay for it.All of these elements combine to make busywork – you’re endlessly teleporting between relay stations, popping into one compound, picking up packages, and forgetting quite what is that you’re doing. It’s not that it’s not fun, but you definitely lose track of that story very quickly.One element of the game that is simultaneously problematic and wonderful is your support agent’s data vision mode.

This appears as a transparent sphere on the screen overwriting the world’s textures with power lines and network connections. It’s so useful because it not only highlights enemies on the map and finds key personnel amongst civilians. It also tracks the cables that link or power security cameras, gates, and turrets.See also:The developer has tried to force you to turn it off occasionally by making security camera vision cones only visible outside of it – but the view mode is so useful that even that advantage isn’t enough. This means you spend most of your time at maximum zoom without being able to see any of the handcrafted beauty of the world. That’s a real shame.Another problematic element is that the game often feels like busywork.

It’s hard to keep track of what the pings on the map mean when all the story is delivered buried amongst other lumps of text. And the combat, though hardcore, is often screwed-up by AI and cover bugs – and it’s pretty easy to run away from trouble, given the size of the city.VerdictThese quibbles aside, Satellite Reign has infiltrated our hearts. It’s a handsome tribute to a much-loved game series that also functions as a unique RPG and a tactical combat game. As a revival, it takes its place alongside Shadowrun: Dragonfall and Pillars of Eternity with pride; as a tactical combat game, it runs a close second to XCOM.

Are there any standout weapon types?I've been using plasma pistols and ballistic assault rifles. When do I start getting plasma and laser primary weapons? Have also not seen any chain guns. Plenty of different pistol types, but hardly any primary weapon types.I did buy a shotgun off the black market, but I'm not even sure if it's any good.I'm having a hard time really breaking down the quality of each weapons. Is accuracy typically more important? Hard to tell what is better when enemies have so much hps and I'm not seeing when I miss.Also, is the sniper worth it for small close range battles? Or should my infiltrator be using her pistol?Basically, any sort of weapon advice would help.

Asymmetry: every player starts the game with different resources (energy, coins, keen combat sense, popularity), a different starting location and a secret objective. Scythe game online. Choose your battles with care, because in Scythe, victory is achieved with and for the people!. The starting positions are specifically set to contribute to the uniqueness of every faction and the asymmetrical nature of the game.

I got a Plasma Rifle Prototype in the Downtown area, but I think loot is random. From what I understand it goes something likeVs Unprotected Targets: BallisticsVs Armor: PlasmaVs Shields/Inorganics: LaserNow this does depend on weapons, shotguns do a lot of dmg and you can get hand cannons at least for ballistic and plasma that do a lot of dmg.Overall I think Plasma is the best, good vs armor and almost no difference vs organics. Plan for me is use Plasma as primary and laser (when I get something better than the pea shooter pistol) as secondary for use vs shields. I usually go with sniper rifles for everyone until I find a heavy weapon for the soldier. Accuracy for weapons seem to mostly dictate range, as highly accurate energy pistols seem to have longer range than uzis and such.

And range is good for ranged weapons. Kill them before they can even shoot back. Up close there is always kicking.As for when you find new weapons, that depends on what random prototypes the various mission target facilities contain. Pay your local district information broker to find out, and don't be afraid to travel to other districts to see if they have better loot.Gate Passes to the Grid and Industrial districts only require you to more or less finish the two main compounds in Downtown, and once you have access to both of those districts you can get Gate Passes to CBD. Though it might be kind of difficult to get access to the information brokers in each of those districts. But once you have activated all the information brokers you'll be able to buy info on what each facility has to offer, at which point you can go for the ones that have the weapons you want.Last game I finished with plasma minigun and plasma cannon for the soldier, and laser sniper rifles for all the others. Master Technician gives extra damage with lasers for the Hacker, and laser does extra damage against inorganics like drones and mechs, and also against shields.

With shields gone the soldier's plasma can chew away armor. The plasma minigun also has a slightly shorter range (lower accuracy), sometimes forcing the soldier closer to the action, which was good, since Harden and Draw Fire can be used to reduce damage taken. Bad part is that when it's time to retreat, the slower soldier is already lagging behind.Support and Hacker also had plasma rifles, but I didn't use them much because of the soldier's plasma minigun. Too much of a hassle to switch weapons every time an enemy had only armor and health.

Infiltrator had a boomstick because I wanted to see if it could be used efficiently up close after a melee attack left a target with only health and no armor. But I didn't get around to that more than once or twice. (They all had Wetcorp third arms for additional weapon slots. I was planning to get them Nanofiber Muscle V2 for arms and legs to wield heavy weapons, but didn't buy it from the Black Market until the very end, at which point I felt that laser sniper rifles were good enough.)In general I'd recommend weapons that do knock-back area damage, like the plasma cannon, laser cannon and missile launcher. They aren't needed very often, but when they're needed, they're needed. And it's quite easy to fill up the ammo from all the ammo boxes the fallen foes leave behind. Especially when using an ammo vest for 30% extra ammo.

Just have to watch out with trying to fire those weapons from behind cover, as sometimes the shot can go straight into the cover, for massive 'friendly fire' damage.A soldier with a third arm can also carry all three of those weapons, and alternative between them faster than reloading them. Combine with Rage and Mark Target for really high damage. A plasma cannon with activated Plasma Furnace Inducer can one-shot a quad mech with that combo. But back to range: Three laser sniper rifles can take out a quad mech from far enough away that it doesn't react to being shot to pieces. So if you aren't getting tremendous power, I'd go with tremendous range.I tried the plasma shotgun in an earlier (and aborted) playthrough, and it didn't impress me. I would've wanted to catch the target with more of the blast, but to do that my agent needed to get so close that he would default to a kick instead of shooting. Other than that it seems like a shotgun is like a sniper rifle: Slow with big hits.

But unlike a sniper rifle, much shorter range, that often forces the agent out of cover. Ooo, looking forward to the Rocket Launcher, yes sir. Yes sirreeee, Bob:)I find the Plasma Shotgun packing quite a punch, especially with the Rage skill active. And unlike a sniper rifle, I believe the damage increases the closer you are, which opens up for some sweet commando action, flanking your target and then 'knock knock' on their shoulder: 'whos there?' - BOOM.And lets not forget about grenades; my main tool for decimating clusters of enemies at once, aswell as for taking out sentry guns.

At least in 1.02 there seemed to be something wrong with the shotguns. Based on some very brief testing it looked like both of them, even the plasma version, had a pretty severe penalty against armor, since their damage seemed to increased quite a bit when only health was left.Perhaps the stat screen gives false damage numbers, or maybe it's just really rare to hit with the full blast. In any case, they certainly didn't impress me.

Elohim, singular Eloah, (Hebrew: God), the God of Israel in the. Elohim in hebrew characters.

The enemy anti-riot troopers with their shotguns didn't deal much damage, either, so at least it kinda cuts both ways. Originally posted by:And lets not forget about grenades; my main tool for decimating clusters of enemies at once, aswell as for taking out sentry guns.I guess grenades do everything that cannons and the launcher does, and without a lot of the risks as well. But the soldier can only carry three of them, and that makes them a lot more difficult to reload from ammo boxes. (Until this latest patch, which I have yet to play, the reliable Ammo Pack hasn't been very accessible in areas with elevations of any kind.)Though I recently realised that most of the yellow 'Packages' in compounds are actually Munition Supply Crates, and just standing nearby one will give ammo regen! So I guess Ammo Packs won't really be needed from now on.

I went with two plasma rifles, one laser smg and a laser sniper rifle. The soldier eventually picked up a heavy weapon (the plasma beam I believe) but I didn't really use it more than once or twice for giggles. No need for it.I did give my soldier grenades though which came in handy if I compeltely botched the entire mission (as far as stealth is concerned). I also realized that I could get incredibly cheesy with them by plonking down an ammo box and then just repeatedly chuck grenades over a wall. It mostly served to raise the alert levels to even crazier degrees but it was funny for a little while. Originally posted.

Flanking your target and then 'knock knock' on their shoulder: 'whos there?' - BOOM.Ah, but as I mentioned, once you're close enough to knock on their shoulder, you're too close for shooting, and all you'll do is kick them. Which isn't nothing, but not as good as a sniper rifle from a fair distance.A kick for style, followed up by a spray of superheated plasma pellets burning through a body like butter. Whats not to like:)I only wish the impact would also set the target on fire.

That would be something. Originally posted by:Researching Laser SMG, will give that a go as well, see how it works. If only there was a laser rifle. While it's certainly good to have fast laser weapons, I find that three laser sniper rifles are just fast enough to take out the shields on a target before the plasma minigun or cannon is ready to take out the remaining armor. And the DPS is much higher for the sniper rifles. Almost twice as high against both health and shields.

No contest in my book. But sure, two laser sniper rifles and two plasma weapons are probably better. It's just that it's nice to have a way to shoot down attack drones that stay at a long distance and fire their own shield-eating lasers, so that's one reason to have a third laser sniper rifle instead of a plasma rifle. (Uzy Korp drones are armored though, so I guess a plasma rifle might be better for those.).