Adventure Capitalist Guide

Adventure Capitalist Guide Rating: 7,4/10 3178 reviews

Apr 07, 2019  There is a variety of businesses in Adventure Capitalist, and all of them have different yields. However, the Oil Company has the highest payout. Thus, if you invest in it and stick to it, it will allow you to earn angels fast.

Hello everyone i decided to make a quick guide for the Early Game as i saw there is missing strategies not posted anywhere and with some trial and error i have come up with an optimal method for the early game.This guide has been tested all the way until 300 for each business. After 300 some things change but not that much (currently testing up to 500 for each business).FAQ:.Early Game (Up to 300 for all business):.Q: When should you do your first reset?.A: This depends but generally around 50-300 is a good rule of thumb. I personally did the first reset at 107 angels. Anything beyond 100 takes a long time at this early part of the game.Q: After my first reset when should i reset?.A: Generally you want to wait until you at least double the number of angels from the total amount of angels you currently have.

So if you did the first reset at 100 you would wait until 200. Then you have 300 after second reset so you wait until you have 600 angels and continue.Q: Should i reset before going to sleep or waiting until morning?.A: Generally it’s best to reset when you wake up, this way you have a few hours to get everything back to the stage it was at before you reset.

A typical reset can take on average about 2-3 hours to put back to what it use to be before you can afk and let the game pile up the cash for you while your away. In short if you don’t have 2-3 hours to dedicate to the game you shouldn’t reset so you can continue to pile up extra angels rather than resetting and going afk and not getting any angels because you haven’t established the game to where it was at before you did the reset. As you continue to do resets the time it takes to establish goes down. Early on it can take 2-3 hours but later on you will notice you only need less than 2 hours to sit there and get it back to what it was before the reset.Q: Best business to invest in?.A: That’s easy the oil company.

It is the business that pays the most and also has the highest payout per second in the game. Sure it takes longer than the rest but you end up with the biggest payouts in the end. Higher payouts per second = faster lifetime earnings = faster angels. I’ve heard that later on in the game lemonades and newspaper become the money makers but in this early stage of the game the oil company is hands down the best business to put all your hard earned cash into.Q: What is the best way to approach getting angels the fastest?.A: Well this method i found took some trial and error by testing 2-3 saves at the same time using the export/import and using multiple sites to compare.Here it is:basically it turns out that you want to get every business to each tier before moving on to the next business. What i mean is you climb the ladder from 25 then 50 then 100 then 200 then 300 for those 50% time reductions for all the businesses.You start with lemonade and you take it to 25 then you move onto newspaper and get that to 25 then do the same for car wash, etc. Until you get oil company to 25 aswell. However before u get each business to 25 you want to get that businesses x3 payout first.

So after u get 25 lemonades it’s best to first buy the Newspaper x3 payout upgrade before even purchasing the very first newspaper. Now you take the newspaper to 25 and your done.

By that time you’ll have enough cash to buy everything you need for the car wash, then rinse and repeat until you get to oil company. After you reset you can do the opposite starting method. That is you buy 1 of each business and save up for the oil company and get oil company to 25 first while the other businesses are at 1 (don’t forget to buy every business x3 payout though), this method is a little slower at first but then you quickly get more cash as oppose to climbing the ladder to start because you are going down the ladder instead.

After you have 1000 angels it is recommended to buy the Oil Company Manager for 10 Angels so your Oil Companies cost 10% less and you can see how much payout your making per second.Now after you have oil company to 25 you want to stay and get oil company to 50 but make sure you buy the oil company x3 payout before u begin to invest the remaining 25. Once you get it to 50 for oil company, you want to go down the ladder instead so you go bank, movie, hockey, etc all the way down to lemonades making sure to buy each business x3 payout before starting on that business.After each business is at 50 you want to start the process over to get them all to 100 so you start at oil company again and work your way down the ladder like before and making sure you get the x3 payout upgrade right before you start working on that business. Once everything is at 100 you do the same thing again until they are all at 200.Once they all get to 200 the game gets really stale and you have to start waiting to double your angels to do the next reset ASAP, since the cost to get to 300 is a real pain at this point without resetting due to the cash multipliers.

And by the time you get to 200 you should have between 1500-5000 angels already. At this point you should also have cash leftover to buy the Holy Moola Upgrade right before u reset so you get the extra 1% per angel on reset.Myself i have 1805 angels with another 3502 that will be gained on restart so i basically will restart with over 5000 angels and i have only done about 4 resets so far with a lifetime earnings of $1.331 quintillion.

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So this method works really good for accumulating angels in the least amount of time and the least amount of resets as well.Early/Mid Game.This portion of this game is what i like to call Early/Mid Game because you just got out of the early game (300 for each business) and are still in the early stages of mid game.Q: Ok so what changes now in Early/Mid Game?.A: The short answer is that only a few things change now. You are still relying on Oil Company to make the most cash per second but now the smaller businesses such as Newspaper and Car Wash are way more expensive than the bigger businesses such as Bank and Oil Company. The key thing to remember here is that now every dollar you make really starts to matter. You have to analyze and look at each business and say to yourself:“this business cost xx times more than this other business, is it worth putting the money into this business when the other business might pay more cash per second”.?An example would be a comparison between Bank and Oil Company. The cost of 1 bank would cost let’s say 10x less than 1 oil company, but now we have to look at the cash per second for both bank and oil company.

If the oil company is producing more than 10x what the bank does than no you don’t want to purchase the bank because that is a bad investment (basic economy 101). On the other hand if the oil company produces 4x more than the bank than yes you want to buy the bank instead because you’ll get a better return on investment rather than dumping the cash into the oil company and getting your money back alot longer as a result.Q: Can i still get all the business to the same tier at the same time?.A: No, that worked in early game but now you can’t do that anymore. This is because of what was said earlier about the smaller business costing a lot more than the bigger businesses. In short if you tried to get every business to 400 at the same time you will quickly notice that the money you invested into the 100 newspapers would have been better spent on buying 100 oil companies.Q: Ok so if i can’t get all the business to the same tier at the same time than what should i do now?.A: You have to really take the previous answers from this portion of the game and combine them all to figure out what business needs your money next because every dollar counts now.

You have to do math analysis and sacrifice angels to get past this portion of the game. I’ll give you an example my businesses are as follows:760 Lemonades, 350 newspaper, 350 Car Wash, 360 Pizza, 370 Donuts, 370 Shrimp, 400 Hockey, 410 Movie, 440 Banks, 500 Oil Companies.As you can see i no longer try to get everything to 400 because at this point it is way too expensive to do that.

This “guide” is good enough for the first few days that I won’t comment other than to say that once you get all the businesses to around 300 it will start to fail pretty badly. A few tips I’ll try to toss out are that the 10 Angel Investor(AI) manager really isn’t worth purchasing unless you’re curious about your earnings per second and don’t feel like doing some math, as the cost reduction is almost unnoticeable. Also, you will want to remember the AI upgrades that give +10, and later +50 to businesses when you can almost reach the next profit doubling breakpoint, as newspaper stand upgrades get expensive much faster than later businesses after a while.Originally posted by.MistahChow(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8975698):. So after I get the oil company to 25, do I buy the second x3 before buying the next set of 25?yes. Always remember to buy the x3 payout before u start moving onto the next tier for each business because it is cost effective as the upgrade alone will cost less than total cash needed to get to the next tier. Saving up for the upgrades is the best way to go as every dollar counts.:).Originally posted by.RainBerryKiwi(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8975794):.

How long have you been playing Wilmer?Umm i’m on day 4-5 i’ve only done about 4-5 resets so far and i have 12,050 angels.Originally posted by.Slowdraw(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8976035):. this “guide” is good enough for the first few days that I won’t comment other than to say that once you get all the businesses to around 300 it will start to fail pretty badly. A few tips I’ll try to toss out are that the 10 Angel Investor(AI) manager really isn’t worth purchasing unless you’re curious about your earnings per second and don’t feel like doing some math, as the cost reduction is almost unnoticeable. Also, you will want to remember the AI upgrades that give +10, and later +50 to businesses when you can almost reach the next profit doubling breakpoint, as newspaper stand upgrades get expensive much faster than later businesses after a while.ok so after 300 this method stops being effective.

Then what do u recomend spending on after 300, Lemonades and Newspaper perhaps? I agree, this guide is maybe useful for the first play through only, although it does explain how things work.On subsequent early playthroughs I recommend buying 1 bank and 1 oil company asap and then focusing on your smaller companies again.

This is just to get your timer ticking. Time is money. Then when you have everything else up to 25, and buy your 25th or 50th oil company the time it takes is slashed by 4 and you can get an instant payout from one if you already have some time on the clock.

This huge amount is often enough to buy up to the next tier immediately.Originally posted by wilmer007(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978125):.Originally posted by.Lawivido(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8977078):. I would have to disagree with this guide. If you’re half decent at math you can just calculate whats best to invest in. I’m currently 2.5 days in, and have 22 billion angels. how do u have 22 billion angels in 2.5 days.

That’s just not possible. Explain ur method for that because there’s no way that is possible.easy if you use gold to buy multiplier, etc.Originally posted by dudial(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978131):.Originally posted by wilmer007(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978125):.Originally posted by.Lawivido(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8977078):. I would have to disagree with this guide. If you’re half decent at math you can just calculate whats best to invest in.

I’m currently 2.5 days in, and have 22 billion angels. how do u have 22 billion angels in 2.5 days. That’s just not possible. Explain ur method for that because there’s no way that is possible. easy if you use gold to buy multiplier, etc.I didn’t use gold to buy multipliers.

Eventually will in order to support the developers, but haven’t yet.Now 3 days and I’m at 315 billion angels.There’s no trick really, other than to try to calculate the most efficient upgrades once you’re trying to get over the hump. “How long will it take to earn x amount of money, and how much more profit will I get out of it?” It’s a math game when it comes down to it.Originally posted by Lawivido(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978257):.

I didn’t use gold to buy multipliers. Eventually will in order to support the developers, but haven’t yet. Now 3 days and I’m at 315 billion angels. There’s no trick really, other than to try to calculate the most efficient upgrades once you’re trying to get over the hump. “How long will it take to earn x amount of money, and how much more profit will I get out of it?” It’s a math game when it comes down to it.From 0 to 315 BILLION Angels in 72 hours.

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That’s mind boggling to me. That’s $4,410,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in lifetime earnings in 3 days. I’m impressed.Originally posted by RainBerryKiwi(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978297):.Originally posted by Lawivido(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978257):. I didn’t use gold to buy multipliers. Eventually will in order to support the developers, but haven’t yet.

Now 3 days and I’m at 315 billion angels. There’s no trick really, other than to try to calculate the most efficient upgrades once you’re trying to get over the hump. “How long will it take to earn x amount of money, and how much more profit will I get out of it?” It’s a math game when it comes down to it.

From 0 to 315 BILLION Angels in 72 hours. That’s mind boggling to me. That’s $4,410,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 in lifetime earnings in 3 days. I’m impressed.Thanks!

Just reset, here’s where I’m at after approximately 72 hours, 415 billion angels: posted by xofour(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#8978487):. I am wondering why it is important to buy the 3x upgrades before updating each business by 100, but not important to buy the every 25 newspaper unlocks to get the 2x upgrades for businesses before upgrading? Is the 2x upgrade insignificant?All upgraded are important. And when they’re bought doesn’t really matter. It’s up to your situation. Does it make more sense to double your profit right away by hitting an unlock, or save a while to get a 3x to make it faster(?) to hit the unlock.Originally posted by.Lawivido(/forums/2606/topics/472670?page=1#posts-8978549):. All upgraded are important.


And when they’re bought doesn’t really matter. It’s up to your situation. Does it make more sense to double your profit right away by hitting an unlock, or save a while to get a 3x to make it faster(?) to hit the unlock.That makes sense I guess.

I just thought that it would be better to try to get a 2x bonus from the newspaper upgrade before hitting another 100 in say donuts. But I don’t know how that matters.

I do see the benefit of getting those x3 upgrades, I just was questioning the uniform raising everything by 100 starting with Oil and working your way down mentioned in the original posting. I figured if we it were worth buying a bonus before buying more of a business, it would also be worth getting the newspaper upgrade before increasing a business. But due to the higher increase rate of newspapers I don’t know for sure.

Does a particular AdVenture Capitalist Level seem impossible to beat? Not to worry - We'll provide the best tips, tricks, and cheats to beat any Level of this game. Enjoy our hints, walkthroughs and guides to come out on top any AdVenture Capitalist Level.AdVenture Capitalist is an iPhone and Android Game, developed by Kongregate. Today, it has gone through many interations by the developers, with the latest current version being 7.6.0.As a testament to the app's popularity, it has gathered a total of 423,956 Reviews on the Apple App Store alone, with an average user rating of4.5 out of a possible 5. Welcome, eager young investor, to AdVenture Capitalist!

Arguably the world's greatest Capitalism simulator!Have you always dreamed of owning your own business? Being the master of your own destiny? Forming your own multi-national conglomerate to create a world-wide, monopolistic economy? Then AdVenture Capitalist is the game for YOU!Begin your quest for world domination by clicking on the Lemonade Stand progress bar. Keep clicking until you can afford to pay for more squeezers! Now you’ve got the hang of it.Hire employees, purchase cutting edge upgrades, dominate the market, and attract eager Angel Investors to boost your profits!

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