Zenonia 5 Evolution Slots

Zenonia 5 Evolution Slots Rating: 6,3/10 9253 reviews

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The Mechanic of Zenonia 5 is your high rate of CRIT gunslinger class. Your normal attack shoots in front of you, and while the range isn't amazing, the vertical range (if you’re shooting left or right) is very good.CRITs means tons of knockback, so you can usually prevent getting hit while staggering the enemy in a 1v1 situation. Your skills are pretty good. A problem is that Gamevil didn’t give the Mechanic many skills with invincibility frames, even though it’s a soft and ranged character like the Wizard (which has the most skills like that), so when fighting monsters that spew projectiles, they can force you to stay on the move a lot.

So remember to “train” (“grind”) in the maps with monsters that can’t do ranged attacks; your gold-pocket will thank you. STR – DEF +2DEX – ATT +6, HIT +0.06, EVA +0.16, CRI +0.18, CRIDMG +0.08CON – HP +20, DEF+1INT – SP +28, HIT +0.14, CRIDMG +0.22Super straightforward stats for the Mechanic. Best iracing equipment. STR is obviously unadvised, as is INT, because you don’t really need that much extra SP. So it’s the usual add everything into DEX and some CON every few levels when you feel like you’re getting into too many tense situations (aka potion cooldown). It’s possible to go full DEX for sure, although you’ll have to go about using this offensive class very defensively. 1 Laser Beam – standard beam attack that’s good but could be stronger.DMG (ATT 100% + 4 per additional level) x 4 hitsApprox Lvl 10 DMG ATT x (544%).

1 Back Step – Invincibility frames.Very useful and the damage similar to the laser beam.It will help you escape many situations (i.e. Tight corners, projectiles flying at you).DMG (ATT 100% + 6 per additional level) x 4 hits x 4 monstersApprox Lvl 10 DMG ATT x ( 616%). 5 Precision – Eh.If it appeals to you, go for it.CRI Rate Buff.

5 Flash – One hit AOE with big range.The damage is big, although you get only 1 hit.DMG (ATT 450% + 30 per additional level) x 1 hitApprox Lvl 10 DMG ATT x (720%). 5 Knockback Shot – Twice-hitting shot that knocks monsters back. I’ll split the builds into two different play styles for normal monsters (i.e. Not bosses); Mobber and Dueler.

Mobber Mechanics are those who, before killing anything, gain a sizable mob (maybe around 5), and then proceed to attack them all with a mix of skills. Dueler Mechanics are ones who tackle every map one or two monsters at a time.

Note that there are many combinations of skills you can use for the Mechanic, as well as the possibility of either using many skills or relying on your normal attack, so adjust accordingly to your play style. Talk to the Dark Merchant in the first town of the game, Agran Village, like 30 times (he won’t say anything), and you’ll get the Pro Smuggler title: DEX +15%. Great stuff for the Mechanic. Choosing between Elecsnare and Flamethrower. They are very similar in damage. They both hit 6 times.

Elecsnare is weird in that since the damage isn’t huge, it may not stager enemies, and they may hit you since you don’t get invincibility frames. You can move out of the way to cancel the skill but you’ll have wasted the SP. The damage is higher, though, than the Flamethrower, which has the advantage of you being able to move around. Then you can dodge projectiles and other long range attacks (which tend to hit you through Elecsnare).

The downside of Flamethrower is the range is thinner. I go with Flamethrower because it’s just worked better for me. HP Medicine is better than HP Potion (L) at around 2666 HP. SP Medicine is better than SP Potion (L) at around 3333 SP. Skill Reset costs 150 ZEN which is pretty cruel. You can go into the Abyss once a day free.

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The Zenonia series finally made its way online in the latest release called Zenonia Online for Kakao. I've always heard of the rumors about the Zenonia series and it seems to be one of the well known Action RPG's out there. This version will actually require you to have a KakaoTalk account, so make sure you check out the tutorial section for that, if you don't already own one. The Zenonia series currently goes up to Zenonia 5! So many installments. If you're a big fan of the series, I suggest trying out this Korean version first.

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