Nancy Drew Alibi In Ashes Nothing On Checklist

Nancy Drew Alibi In Ashes Nothing On Checklist Rating: 8,8/10 3660 reviews

First things first: Happy 12th Birthday Joshua!! Hope you have a great one! (This is a lightning bolt, Tesla-themed cupcake). I haven’t really spoken much about the message board lately, and I figured now is a grand time to do so! Previously on Nancy Drew: Alibi in Ashes: We ran around collecting evidence, specifically everyone's various alibis and fingerprints. As it turns out, everybody in River Heights hates Nancy's guts and they've all just been waiting for the moment they can turn on her and rip her to shreds. It's a pretty interesting take on the.

: Nancy’s life of petty crime has caught up to her, and now she’s in jail. No, wait, she’s in jail because she’s been framed for burning down town hall, not for all those times she’s trespassed on private property, tampered with crime scenes, assumed people’s identities, and stolen everything in the vicinity that wasn’t nailed down. Luckily, Nancy’s plucky friends are here to save the day, kind of. Nancy pretty much has to direct the whole operation from jail. Like a reverse mobster.Our current mission, as Ned, is to use our masculine wiles to get information out of Deirdre Shannon.

When we switch over, Ned is still at town hall, and he notes the fire alarm was turned off. Suspicious!Over at Scoop, we can approach Deirdre, who is much, much friendlier now than she was to George. “How’s it going?” she asks.

“I’m fine,” Ned says. Deidre: “You certainly are.” HEE. Cutely, Deirdre calls Ned by a running list of nicknames, including Nedstopher and Nedgar. Do I think Ned and Deirdre are cuter than Ned and Nancy? II might, honestly.We ask about the fire, and Deirdre claims she was out jogging (“I’m into all that health stuff,” she says, drinking her milkshake), except five seconds later we can ask her a slightly different question, and she’ll admit to following Nancy.

Deirdre is also playing the Clues Challenge, and says she intercepted a note someone left for Nancy, and went to go check it out. The note says, “Setting: Storage Room. Action: Tom the star in the holdout wall.” What? But Deirdre says there was nothing there, and then the fire started.Let’s talk about our suspects.

Deirdre tells Ned that Alexei was accused of stealing or whatever a million years ago (we already found that out from him), and nobody trusts him now. She thinks he’s pretty creepy, on account of being an antiques guy. Re: Brenda, “Seeing her makes me want to invest in hair salons and plastic surgery.” HEE!

“I’m a fan of the whole Heights Nine News team,” she deadpans. “When news breaks, who will be boring about it?” Deirdre tells us that Brenda has a tendency to make up news — she tried to smear Deirdre’s dad a while back, and even goes so far as to dress up as other people and do fake “hidden camera” stings.

She even dressed up as Nancy once. Hmmm.We try to accuse of Deirdre of enjoying Nancy’s suffering, but she readily admits it: “I’ll be honest, I’m enjoying it a little.” Hee. Much like in the books, Deirdre is jealous of how awesome Nancy is. I like that despite Deirdre hating Nancy out of jealousy, the game still lets Deirdre be likable — she gets some great lines, and you get the vibe that Ned genuinely likes her company, which is sweet.So now we call Nancy and update her with what we’ve learned from Deirdre.

We tell her that the fire alarm at town hall had been switched off, and Nancy says her dad might have some connections to look into that. Then we tell her about the note Deirdre found, and Nancy says we should use her fingerprint dusting kit to find out who’s been touching shit all over town. UhI guess we have to use it on the note, too?

It’s a bit of a non-sequitur, but okay.Now we switch to Nancy. The dusting kit is locked in her room, so we have to put our keys in the police dropbox for someone to pick up. Now let’s finally call Nancy’s dad, who’s back from wherever the hell to finally deal with his daughter being arrested. No, wait, I just read more of the dialogue and he’s still in Australia. As you do.He’s like, “You’re still in jail?” like he thought the police were gonna be all, “Whoops, didn’t realize it was you, Nancy!

Please forgive us for arresting you!” And technically, Nancy’s not in jail anymore, she has free run of the police station. Anyway, we can ask him for some help: he has something that can help us figure out the accelerant test results; someone will drop it off at Nancy’s house later. He’s also going to call in a favor to find out how the town hall alarm was disabled.

Thanks, Carson! I hope you don’t run up a huge phone bill doing all this from Australia!Back to Ned.

Over in Nancy’s room, we can unlock the cabinet and get one of the fingerprint dusting kits. We also find a ton of matches on the top shelf.

Ned clutches his pearls all, “Nancy would never use these to commit crime!” Why does Nancy have a ton of matchbooks anyway? I’ve stolen a lot of shit as her over the past few years, and I have never grabbed matches. Suspicious!So we have the note from Deirdre, and we can dust it and find a partial fingerprint. Good enough.We heard from Deirdre that Brenda likes to cosplay as Nancy on occasion — hey, don’t we all? — so let’s go see what that’s about. Brenda shrugs that she might’ve dressed up as Nancy; she’s done so much weird shit in her line of work that she really can’t remember. She tells us that part of her job is setting up traps and seeing if people fall for them.

“That’s not news,” Ned points out, and Brenda’s like, “News is boring.” I feel like Brenda is not in the right line of work.Brenda claims to be out here at the antiques store to try and wring information out of Alexei, not that he’s being forthcoming with that. I feel ya, Brenda. Dude is cranky. We also tell her about Deirdre finding a note for Nancy — it sounds like someone was trying to lure Nancy to town hall to frame her, right? So she’s innocent, right?

Brenda snipes that Nancy might’ve just written the note herself. We’ll be back, Brenda!Back to Nancy. Ned drops off the note and the fingerprint; sadly, when we run the print in the police system, nothing turns up. Then we can call Nancy’s dad, who’s gotten us the info on the alarm system.

Someone disabled the alarm on-site at 2:17 the day of the fire. Nancy frets that she might not be able to clear her name, and Carson’s like, “Don’t worry about that, you’ll be fine.” Nancy’s like, “But seriously, what happens if I don’t get out of jail?” and Carson’s like, “Stop saying words.” Nancy’s like, “Really Dad, I’m scared,” and Carson’s like, “Look, a kangaroo!

BYE NANCY!”We call Bess next, and ask her to get fingerprints from the rest of our suspects, as well as check their alibis for 2:17 PM.So for the first time, let’s actually go into Scoop, the ice cream parlor where Bess and Deirdre are parked. The parlor’s run by local politician Toni Scallari, who’s our final suspect.

What up, Toni!Look at that smug face. This lady is for sure hiding shit. Toni is super passive-aggressive about how nobody ever expected Nancy to be a psychotic arsonist, and Bess is like, “Nancy did nothing wrong!” “I believe that’s what you think,” Toni smoothes. She sighs that a lot of people looked up to Nancy, and now Nancy’s let them all down. She’s not saying Nancy’s guilty, but she certainly hasn’t proved her innocence, and isn’t that just a shame?We switch the subject to her election campaign. Toni’s running for “another term”; a term of what, I do not know. She tells us that politics is a rough game, and you have to play hardball to survive.

Who the hell could Toni possibly be running against in this tiny-ass town? Whatever.Toni won’t bring up Brenda or Deirdre when we ask about our suspect, but she does call out Alexei. She has this very soothing tone of voice, and coos at us that Alexei used to be a detective, like Nancy — until he let the power go to his head, stole from the people he was supposed to be helping, and the entire town turned on him. Bess is like, “I think he was framed,” and Toni’s like, “Hmm, yet he never proved his innocence.

Must have been quite the detective.” Jesus Christ, Toni. She says he’s hella jealous of Nancy, and perhaps he was trying to take her down.At this point, the conversation is cut off by the arrival of a delivery truck. Toni skedaddles, and now we can go behind the counter and look through her stuff. She has snowflake-shaped ice cube trays! Nancy saw a snowflake-shaped ice cube on the thermostat! Toni also has a bunch of photos of town hall, including of the window and the thermostat.

That’s also pretty suspicious, unless she’s just being artsy.We also find a random key. It opens the supply closet, where we see a bunch of Toni’s campaign signs, along with some paint thinner. Hey, paint thinner is a type of accelerant! There’s also a file cabinet, but it’s locked. Of course it is.Hey, let’s see how Deirdre and Bess get along. The answer to that is not very well, Deirdre is just as much of a dick to Bess as she is to George. And I love her for it.

Bess suggests that Deirdre forged the note she gave to Ned. “Do people even forge things anymore?” Deirdre asks. “I would’ve just typed it up and printed it out, cut out the middleman.” Hee. Deirdre claims she was with her friends at 2:17 the day of the fire, and gives their numbers to double-check. Except we then promptly call her friends (“Holly” and “Jessica”), and they say Deirdre wasn’t with them. Jessica tells us that Deirdre is always late, and will never tell them where she’s been. “Don’t tell her I said that,” she adds.

Deirdre’s gonna cut you, Jessica.We’ll follow up on that in a bit. In the meantime, Toni’s back, so let’s keep talking to her. She says she was here at Scoop at 2:17.

Bess asks if Toni’s willing to help clear Nancy’s name, and Toni passive-aggressives that Bess is such a nice girl, and Toni is so sorry she didn’t pick her friends more wisely, but her hands are tied, you know? Hey, back off, Toni!

We once rescued Bess from a murderous talent agent who trapped her in a series of underground tunnels with the skeleton of a 16th-century conquistador! We’re the best friend ever. I mean, she was only down there because of Nancy, but you know, details.Toni tells us she was out canvassing when she saw the fire. It was so sad!

Her first job was in town hall, you know! She used to work with Tommy Linderson, who was quite the looker. Jesus Christ, Toni, I don’t want to hear about your old lady hormones.

Anyway, Toni claims she called the fire in, and that’s it.Now it’s time to hit Toni with the TRUTH! We know she has paint thinner and snowflake-shaped ice cubes! Toni tells us that she uses the paint supplies to keep Scoop looking nice, and she got the snowflake ice tray from a novelty store that Deirdre recommended to her.

Apparently the River Heights novelty store is the only store on the planet, or at least in Illinois, that sells snowflake-shaped ice trays.Finally, we get a bowl of ice cream from her, and get Toni’s fingerprints off of the bowl. 2/4!Let’s ask Deirdre about the novelty shop.

Deirdre chirps that she goes there all the time, and she got Toni hooked on it. I don’t really know what a novelty store is, but I too would go there if Deirdre told me to. Deirdre says she goes there to get supplies for her house parties.

“You know, it’s a shame you never come to our parties,” she says. Bess: “I’ve never heard of your parties.” Deirdre: “I know, that’s so sad for you.” Hee.Anyway, we call her on her alibi, and she snarks that her friends are a little dumb. “I mean, you talked to them, right?” HA! Bess gasps that Deirdre is so mean. Nancy would never!

I dunno, Bess. Nancy’s been a bit of a dick about your mystery-solving skills, on occasion. Deirdre waves Bess off, saying they’re not like, really her friends. “They’re still in the ninety-day trial period.

I can return them in their original packaging at any time.”God, I love her.Let’s check in with George. I haven’t talked to her in a while. We muse over why Brenda’s going after Nancy with such a vengeance, and George says that Brenda will do anything to get her face on television. But her face is already on television! We saw it that time she was accusing Nancy of being an arsonist! Anyway, George also implies that Brenda and Nancy have history together.

Intriguing.We go over to the police station and give Toni’s fingerprint to Nancy, and from here, we’ll switch to George.We want to get everyone’s alibis, and we’re still missing Alexei and Brenda’s. Let’s send George in to talk to Alexei, as Bess will promptly knock over one of his antiques and get kicked out.Let’s also ask him about Toni, as we’ve finally met her. Alexei scowls that she’s just another corrupt politician. “Not all politicians are corrupt,” George says, because this game was released in 2011 and we still had #hope for #change. Alexei rants that all politicians are corrupt, and they don’t care about the little people. I bet Alexei doesn’t vote in elections but still complains about whoever’s in office anyway.

George is like, “You sound bitter,” and Alexei’s like, “Wouldn’t you be?” I feel that. I’m pretty bitter myself, and I’m not even a former kid detective who was betrayed by an entire town and is still feeling their collective wrath.

Anyway, George tells us that we heard from Toni that perhaps Alexei’s jealous of Nancy’s success, and he’s trying to bring her down to his level. Well, Alexei does not like that at all, and he kicks us out of the store.Aw, shit.

And I didn’t even do what we were supposed to do in there. Can I come back in? Alexei?Outside, we see this newspaper.

Note the rescheduling of the River Heights Historical Society meeting on the right.We have to go back to Nancy’s house to get a fingerprinting kit for George. While we’re there, we find this newspaper article about Nancy exposing a fraudulent antiquities exhibit. Could one of our suspects have been involved in that exhibit?Also dig the picture of Bess and George at Shadow Ranch. Remember when they used to let Nancy do all the heavy lifting and then just show up at the end of our mysteries to reap the benefits of our hard work?With that done, let’s go pop back in and say hi to Brenda. We can ask her about Toni, and Brenda gushes that it would be so amazing if Toni was wrapped up in this whole mess — the corrupt politician!

A government cover-up! It would be SCANDALOUS!

Sadly, she does not think Toni is involved, but she can dream. Brenda notes that Toni pushed for Nancy to be arrested — not particularly out of any grudge against Nancy, but because she was real keen to see someone take the fall. Brenda claims to be working at 2:17.Alright, Alexei should have chilled out a little, so now it’s time to needle him about his tragic past some more. Let’s dredge up some trauma together, buddy! We ask why he didn’t just skip town, on account of literally everyone thinking he’s a criminal and all, and he grouses that this is where he lost everything, ergo it’s the only place where he might be able to get it back. Alexei, that makes no sense. It’s been like fifty years and everyone still hates you.We can also check on his alibi; he claims he was giving a talk at the historical society.

We know from the newspaper that the talk was canceled, so why doesn’t Alexei quit fucking lying to us. Alexei scowls that it SO WASN’T canceled, and that newspaper is FAKE NEWS, so we can just back off. Ooookay.That’s the last of the conversation; now we want to collect Alexei’s fingerprint, for science. George BSes that her uncle loves trains, and she’d love to buy him an antique train for his birthday. Alexei’s all enthused at the thought of taking our money, and happily hops off to find a train for us in the back.

Let’s go through all his personal effects!When we won the number puzzle a while ago, we got a key, and that key opens this trunk. (A tip for the character-switching — unless you really have to/are a completionist and want to see all the dialogue options, it’s better to use the same character for the same locations, e.g. Always sending George to the antique shop, that way you know you always have the inventory objects you need to keep poking around.) We find a bottle of ether — which, as we know, is a fire accelerant. Dude, who doesn’t have an accelerant in this town? Is everyone in River Heights a pyro?We also find a notebook, detailing Alexei’s tragic fall from grace during his boy detective days. The first few pages are all the wacky petty crimes he solved (the case of the echoing hall!

The mystery of the murmuring shroud! Did Alexei ever consider writing corny kids’ detective novels for a career, because I feel like he’d be good at it), and then we get to his case against J.P. Alexei was building his case, and then one day his house was robbed and all his evidence was stolen.

Then Bennington accused him of stealing, and everyone turned on him, and his girlfriend Maggie dumped him. Maggie ain’t loyal. In his penultimate entry, Alexei grouses that he wants to see River Heights “burn” for what they’ve done to him. Way to not come off like an arsonist there, bro!And then we find a newspaper article, revealing that Carson Drew was Bennington’s lawyer in his case against Alexei. Uh-oh.When we close the trunk, we also find these keys, which are for the fire alarm system at town hall.

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SUSPICIOUS!Finally, we want to get Alexei’s fingerprints. This is tricky, as the first thing you see when you walk in is him futzing around with the telescope, but I guess he’s just levitating it or something because the telescope will not have any prints on it. Instead, we want to get prints off this tin of metal polish.We still need Brenda and Deirdre’s prints, and we also have a new conversation option with Toni. Let’s be Bess for a while, shall we? I feel like I haven’t given her as much to do, compared to George.

Toni tells us that Brenda was the one working on that antiquities exhibit that Nancy busted — she had a special going with a cable channel and everything, and Nancy ruined it for her. Brenda is still mad about it. What do you have to say about that, Brenda? She brushes it off, saying that reporters lose stories all the time. She was pissed when it happened, but she’s gotten over it.

OR HAS SHE?Bess asks if there’s a way for us to get in touch with Brenda, and she gives us her card. The card has her phone number on it, so we leave and call the number, pretending to have a tip for her.

Brenda speeds off to follow the lead, and now we can poke around her stuff.Okay, honestly? Brenda is a terrible person, but damn if that drawing of her doesn’t look amazing. There’s an alternate universe where she’s a badass femme fatale reporter, and I am here for it.Anyway, we go through all of her stuff, and we find a bottle of nail polish remover in her bag. Another possible accelerant!


Then we brush her microphone for fingerprints, and we are 3/4 on our suspects.Back to Nancy, and then over to Ned for another round of “pimp yourself out to Deirdre for the greater good.” Ned asks Deirdre out on a date, which she accepts. She races off to change — “Butyou’re already here,” Ned derps, and Deirdre’s like, “A girl has to look good when she’s stealing someone’s boyfriend!” — and once she’s gone, we can dust her milkshake cup for prints.Four for four! We’re making progress!We drop the fingerprint sample off for Nancy, and we can compare all the prints we got with the partial print from Deirdre’s note. You have to drag the partial print over the samples in the system, and click to drop it down over the print it matches. The partial fingerprint looks like it belongs to Brenda. OH SNAP!: We continue to use Ned for the sole purpose of flirting information out of Deirdre.

Nancy waltzes on out of prison. All the suspects reveal that underneath their seething hatred for Nancy, they haveeven more seething hatred for Nancy. River Heights is a dark place, man.

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