Fire Emblem Fates Revelation Abdallahsmash026 Playlist

Fire Emblem Fates Revelation Abdallahsmash026 Playlist Rating: 8,2/10 6042 reviews

Contents ProfileLeo is the youngest son and second youngest of five in the Nohrian royal family and the son of King and an unnamed concubine. When was adopted into the family during his childhood, he acknowledged them as one of his older siblings. Much like and, Leo was unfortunately used as a tool by his mother in order to gain favor with Garon. Despite harboring no love for his mother, Leo bonded exceedingly well with his three half-siblings.A few years prior to the events of Fates, a band of thieves attempted to rob but was quickly intercepted by Leo and the palace guards. One of the thieves was left behind as a scapegoat so that the others could escape.

The thief is revealed to be, who begged Leo to put him out of his misery by killing him. Leo decided against complying with the thief's request, as he recognized his worth and decided to recruit him as one of his personal retainers.Some time later, Garon brought a mysterious named with a dubious background before Leo, forcing him to accept the man as one of his retainers.

Due to the doubts that he initially harbored towards Odin, Leo deliberately deployed him on dangerous and impossible missions in an attempt to get rid of him. Bosconian arcade cabinet. His fears proved to be unfounded, as he was impressed by Odin's competence in completing all the missions flawlessly. As a result of this, Leo recognized Odin as an invaluable ally, thereafter refraining from putting him in harm's way.PrologueLeo makes his first formal appearance in, where he plays audience to the mock duel that and Corrin engage in. After Corrin succeeds in besting Xander in combat, Leo interrupts their exchange of praise by stating that true strength does not exist in simple swordplay. When he attempts to continue the argument, he is interrupted by Corrin teasing him for having worn the collar of his coat inside out, prompting him to flee to his quarters out of embarrassment. He returns shortly after with his collar fixed, where he scolds Elise for not acting her age when she throws herself into Corrin's arms.Corrin is later escorted into the throne room of Castle Krakenburg with their siblings in.

In Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation, a third story finds the game's main character not choosing either path. Fire Emblem Fates: Revelation launches as DLC March 10 for $19.99 for players that already. Fire Emblem: Fates. Is the latest in the Fire Emblem series; for the Nintendo 3DS. Two nations stand on the crossroads of war and peace: the peace-loving Hoshido and the glory-seeking Nohr. You were born into Hoshidan royalty, but raised by Nohrian royalty. As the conflict reaches a climax, a grave decision must be made.

Here, Leo watches on as Corrin resolutely states their will to fight for Nohr before they are entrusted the cursed blade of and issued a challenge to defeat and execute a group of prisoners. When they refuse to execute the prisoners, Garon kills two of them and orders Xander to kill the remaining prisoners. Corrin is prepared to fight Xander to protect the prisoners.

Seeing no other choice to dissolve the situation, Leo 'kills' the two remaining prisoners. After Garon leaves, Leo accompanies Corrin to escort the prisoners out of Nohr.Later in, upon learning that Corrin has been punished with the task of investigating an abandoned fort on the Hoshido-Nohr border, Leo expresses concern over Corrin's lack of urgency in their regard of Garon's apparent leniency. This warning of his earns him a slap from Elise, who urges him not to scare Corrin before their first mission. He later shows up again with the rest of his siblings to reinforce Corrin after they are ambushed by a group of Hoshidan led. When Xander later orders Corrin to depart with first, Leo does not see them again until the onset of, when the forces of Hoshido and Nohr clash at the.BirthrightIf Corrin chooses to side with Hoshido, Leo will aid his siblings in a desperate bid to defeat the Hoshidans and force Corrin to return to Nohr. The Nohrian army is eventually defeated by Corrin and their siblings, and they are thereafter forced to make their retreat. Leo next appears at the end of, following the conclusion of a battle that breaks out between Corrin's army and Zola.

As Zola attempts to flee from Corrin's army, he is halted in his tracks by an entanglement of trees summoned by Leo's casting of Brynhildr. Despite Zola's pleas, Leo attempts to execute him for being an embarrassment to Nohr. Corrin swiftly intervenes, only to be greeted by Leo's hurtful outburst of them being a traitor and that they possess no right to control his actions. He later changes his mind and departs after warning Corrin that he will eventually punish them for their act of treason.Leo later appears before Corrin's army at the end of in, following the conclusion of a battle waged between the Chevois rebels and the Nohrian border guards. Upon entering the scene, he attacks Corrin when he catches sight of them talking to Camilla, believing that they are in the midst of brainwashing her. Although Camilla attempts to convince Leo of Corrin's righteousness, he adamantly refuses to listen to her, insisting that they are a liar attempting to trick her. He then closes in on Corrin, only to be intercepted by a and the subsequent arrival of a group of led.

Shocked at the spike in the resistance's strength and recognizing the Nohrian's army inability to fight back due to Camilla's injuries, Leo issues the order to retreat, but warns Corrin he is not through with them yet.Leo appears again in, where he impedes the progress of Corrin's army as they attempt to pass through the. Before appearing before Corrin's army, he summons a horde of to greet them, and while they are in the midst of a frenzied confusion, he emerges from the darkness on horseback.

He then uses Brynhildr to trigger the outbreak of a small earthquake that causes the surrounding gravestones to crumble, whereupon he announces his intent on carrying out the Nohrian law of executing traitors. Renouncing his familial love for Corrin and expressing his intent to kill them, Leo then watches in satisfaction as the putrid waters of the swampy terrain begin to take their toll on their army. Upon noticing that Corrin is unaffected by the terrain, Leo remarks that their connection with Nohr has not been cut, thereafter using this as a crutch to justify the fact that they have made the wrong choice in choosing Hoshido over Nohr.

Cursing Corrin for abandoning the siblings who love them most, he then reveals a grudge that he has nursed against them for a long time for having usurped the love and attention of Xander and Camilla. Refusing to answer Corrin's disbelief at his hatred of them, Leo promptly initiates his attack.Despite his best efforts, Leo is eventually defeated in battle. When urged to surrender by Corrin, Leo lashes out at them, refusing to suffer the humiliation of divesting Nohrian principles by bowing down to Hoshido. He then leers at their naivety, bluntly stating that Hoshido is impure and would not hesitate to slay them if doing so benefits them. Corrin warns Leo that Garon is mad with power and must be stopped, and Corrin points their blade at him in outrage, an act that causes Leo to respond by goading them into killing him. When Corrin makes no move, Leo intensifies his goading, threatening to attack them if they continue doing nothing. Corrin staunchly refuses to comply with Leo, and when he exclaims his disbelief at their hesitation, they echo his sentiment and questions why he has chosen not to attack them.

This causes Leo to fall into silence, prompting Corrin to explain that due to his kind heart and their familial bond, he has thus chosen not to take any action. Despite initially attempting to quiet Corrin, Leo eventually admits the truth of Corrin's words before apologizing to them for lying about his hatred for them. Corrin then seizes upon the opportunity to urge him to join their cause, only for him to decline due to refusing to take up arms against his family. Azura steps forward at this point and entrusts a crystal ball into his possession, gently asking that he rethinks his decision after looking into its depths. Recognizing her as a former princess of Nohr, he asks if they bear any blood relations, only for her to maintain a cryptic stance and again urge him to find the answers he seeks in the crystal ball.

Leo thereafter warns Corrin of the fact that Xander has become very strong, suggesting that they seek out the in to gain the power needed to fend against him. He then gives them a warp tome to transport them directly to Notre Sagesse before parting ways with them.Leo makes his next appearance at the end of in Castle Krakenburg. Following Iago's defeat by Corrin's army, Iago disgracefully attempts to save his skin by begging for his life. Leo interrupts and he silences Iago, warning him that he will not allow him to disgrace Nohr anymore and he is here to put him out of his misery. With Iago's pleas falling dead on his ears, Leo mercilessly executes him.

He then informs Corrin that he has been enlightened on the righteousness of their cause, but admits that he is unable to formally join them due to his position as a prince of Nohr. A spot bit of comic relief is stipulated at this point, as Corrin notices that Leo's collar is flipped inside out yet again, working him into an embarrassed fluster.

Elise emerges shortly after this exchange, and although initially surprised by her appearance, Leo expresses understanding at her wanting to end their family conflict by means of reasoning with Xander and Garon. He then attempts to get Elise to follow him to the secret tunnel and wait out Corrin's army's confrontation with Xander and Garon, only for her to refuse. Recognizing her resolve, Leo urges her to be careful and sends both her and Corrin off with his blessings as he makes his retreat.Leo does not appear again until the sequence following Garon's defeat in the, where he and Camilla attend Ryoma's coronation as the king of Hoshido on his invitation. During a brief conversation he shares with Corrin after the ceremony, Leo expresses his disbelief at the emotional outbursts displayed. On seeing Corrin expressing happiness at his and Camilla's presence, Leo establishes Nohr as Hoshido's newest ally, stating that it would be unbecoming of him to miss Ryoma's coronation as a result. He then formally announces that he will assume the throne of Nohr, with Camilla revealing that she has chosen to relinquish her birthright due to her belief that her brother will make a better ruler than her.

'End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!' ConquestIf Corrin chooses to side with Nohr, Leo, in response to them begging Xander to retreat, curtly disagrees, stating that doing so will induce the Hoshidans to believe that the Nohrians fear them and that Corrin has been coerced into joining Nohr. He then urges Corrin to stand their ground and prove that their choice to join Nohr is entirely of their own volition. Rebuild 2 hacked. The Hoshidan army is eventually defeated by Corrin and their siblings, and they are thereafter forced to make their retreat. Shortly after the conclusion of this conflict, Leo is summoned to embark on a mission separate from Corrin.

After the battle, Leo and his siblings head to the throne room of Castle Krakenburg in, where Garon praises Xander for his battle exploits. A brief discourse between Garon and the Nohrian siblings sees him ordering Xander to kill Corrin after they question him on the explosion of Ganglari. Garon only reconsiders when Corrin offers to kill themselves by their own hand before conducting a seance with an effigy of Anankos on the ceiling.

He then makes the decision to allow Corrin to return to Nohr, but only on the condition that they suppress a rebellion in the Ice Tribe. Xander, relieved at these new tidings, immediately offers to aid Corrin with his best troops, only for Garon to order Corrin to complete the task alone. After the rest of the Nohrian siblings vacate the throne room, Xander remains in front of the closed doors, where he overhears Garon monologuing his malicious intent to subject Corrin to true despair. This prompts Xander to send Elise, her retainers and Corrin's childhood friend, Silas, to reinforce Corrin.Leo, worried for Corrin's well being on their quest to quell the Ice Tribe rebellion, sends and to help. After assisting them on their assignment, Leo orders Niles and Odin to continue to help Corrin with their cause until he can join them after he finishes his own tasks for King Garon.Leo later appears in, where he surprises Corrin in by stressing the need to continue remaining vigilant while they are in the midst of discussing the neutrality of the Kingdom of.

He then informs them of his plan to join them after he is done with acting as a bodyguard for Garon in Cyrkensia. Leo is greeted by his retainers shortly after this, whose excessive sentimentalism proves to be too uncomfortable for him, prompting him to take his leave and head to the.

When Corrin later makes their way to the Opera House, Leo guides them to where Garon is located before indicating a seat for them to assume before the start of a song performance. Unbeknownst to Leo and Corrin, the performance is staged by, who sings a charmed song designed to curse the beast masquerading as Garon. Following the end of the performance, Leo attempts to pursue the 'mysterious' songstress but fails as she manages to slip out of sight.

Shortly after this, a group of Hoshidan assassins led by arrive on the scene, prompting Leo to immediately accuse them of weakening Garon through the songstress. A battle ensues in the Opera House thereafter, one that eventually concludes with the defeat of the Hoshidan assassins.After the battle, Garon orders Corrin to kill all of the songstresses under the pretext that all possible sources of rebellion must be eradicated before they are allowed to grow. Corrin retaliates by trying to raise their objection to his demand, instigating an argument that sees Garon becoming progressively infuriated and threatening Corrin. Leo, sensing the heat of the situation, swiftly reacts by urging Corrin to remain quiet as he concocts reasons to excuse their behavior before leaving. Once out of Garon's sight, Leo reasons with Corrin that while he disagrees with Garon's inhumane ways, it is still wholly unwise to openly defy him as this could result in their death. Revealing that he and his siblings have constantly appeared to comply with Garon's orders while doing good behind the scenes, Leo quickly comes up with a plan to rescue as many of the songstresses from Garon's wrath as possible. Shortly before the plan is carried out, Leo's suddenly reacts with Corrin's without any prior warning, transforming it into the.Later in, while Corrin's army is waiting for the arrival of a ship to ferry them to Hoshido, Leo reveals that has given him some extra funds for the army's war chest.

He then spots Xander preparing to strike Corrin from behind and shouts a warning for them to deflect the incoming blow. With Xander finally joining Corrin's army, Leo expresses satisfaction that his family is whole again. Shortly after Corrin's army boards the ship, a battle breaks out when it is ambushed by a band of thieves led. Prior to the start of the battle, Leo keenly observes that the leader of the thieves is pretending to be a Nohrian soldier, and that each and every one of the soldiers on board has to be spoken to in order to identify him. Following the end of the battle, Leo attempts to convince Corrin to kill Shura. If Corrin chooses to do so, he will be relieved with their choice, but if they do not, he sighs in exasperation and reminds them that they are in the midst of a war.When Leo and his siblings enter in with the intention of relaxing from the chaos of warfare, they stumble upon the Hoshidan siblings. Xander immediately launches into a heated exchange of hostilities with Ryoma, and both crown princes then attempt to engage in a duel, only to be stopped by, the duke of Izumo.

Izana then proceeds to confiscate the weapons of both parties, and Ryoma later seeks an audience with Corrin while they are in the midst of speaking with Xander. Before Ryoma is able to properly start a conversation, Izana emerges with two soldiers and proceeds to apprehend him. Izana then unveils himself to be but a guise used by the deceptive to kidnap the Hoshidan royals, and is forced to fend against the Nohrians when Xander decides to punish him for his treachery. Expressing disgust at Zola's cowardly, deceitful actions, Leo personally executes him. When Corrin questions his action, Leo reasons that should Zola have been allowed to live, he would eventually have betrayed the Nohrian siblings.

Shortly thereafter, Leo and his siblings join the Hoshidans in a feast. Despite the fact that they are still at war, they uphold Izumo's pact of neutrality.Later in, as Corrin's army ascends the in a bid to enter the realm of Hoshido, they are ambushed by a horde of Faceless and Stoneborn. Camilla, somehow aware that Garon is responsible for the ambush, although unaware that it was actually Iago, airily wonders why he has sent them to attack Corrin's army, only to be brought back to her senses by a panicking Leo. The group barely manged to escape the horde alive, with Lilith being the only casualty.Following the capture of in, Leo and his siblings are left waiting outside the throne room with and Iago after Garon marches inside in a wave of triumph in. While Leo is in the midst of conversing with his siblings, Iago makes a failed attempt to assassinate Corrin.

Much to Iago's horror, Xander steps before Corrin and chooses to take their side before challenging him to a duel, asserting his displeasure with his cruel ways. He is quickly joined by the rest of his siblings, with Leo revealing his deep-seated desire to express his repugnance with Iago's deceit and wishes to be rid of him for good. Together with his siblings, Leo manages to defeat and kill Hans and Garon's loyalist.

Leo is given the honor of personally executing Iago once and for all after vehemently condemning his existence and his cowardice. Following the conclusion of the battle and while celebrating Iago's death, knowing he will not torment Corrin anymore, Corrin, much to Leo's incredulity and disbelief, reveals that the war is not yet over, as Garon still has yet to be slain.In, Corrin leads Leo and the rest of their siblings into the throne room, where they manage to prove the truth of their words when Garon, seated upon the throne of truth, is revealed to be a slimy monstrosity in actuality. Initially stunned into inaction, Leo and her siblings are prompted to aid Corrin in slaying Garon when he attempts to behead them. Shortly after Garon is killed, the Nohrian siblings have barely any time to process their grief and shock before they are caught off guard by a sudden attack launched by Takumi.

As Corrin walks towards Takumi with the intent of letting him kill them, they are struck when their Grim Yato fails to deflect an attack launched by a single arrow shot with, causing them to slip into a state of unconsciousness.As Leo and the rest of his siblings struggle to fight against Takumi in the, Corrin regains consciousness and aids them in ending Takumi's rampage once and for all.With the defeat of both Garon and Takumi, Xander is, shortly after the final battle, coronated as the new king of Nohr as his siblings watch on with pride, as he also makes peace with Hoshido. 'End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!' RevelationDue to having formed a deep emotional attachment with both families, Corrin refuses to pick a side to align themselves with.

Despite Corrin's desperate protests, Xander and Ryoma cross blades with each other in an attempt to sway them into choosing a side. In a bid to prevent both armies from battling each other and retreat from the Plains of Hoshido, Corrin decides to take down both Xander and Ryoma. Leo and his siblings aid Xander in battling against Corrin but are unable to prevent them from succeeding. Corrin is thereafter branded a traitor and forced to flee.

Leo later reemerges in, following the conclusion of a battle between Corrin's army and Zola in Izumo. Upon witnessing Zola take Sakura hostage in a last-ditch effort to force Corrin's army to surrender, Leo attacks him from behind and executes him on the charges of cowardice and disgracing Nohr.


Corrin then attempts to persuade him into joining their cause, only to fail as they unconvincingly reveal that Garon is being manipulated by an 'invisible foe'. Unimpressed by Corrin's weak reasoning, Leo bluntly accuses them for having abandoned their family before casting a spell to reveal a passage that will guide them to Archduke Izana and Takumi's prison cell. He then departs shortly after, ignoring Corrin's pleas for him to stay.Leo later appears in in the throne room of Castle Krakenburg, where he attempts to inform Xander that Garon's crazed condition has gotten worse.

Although initially attributing this to the stress of warfare, Xander is forced to reconsider this proposition when Leo directs his attention to the throne, where he witnesses Garon gleefully contemplating the destruction of both Hoshido and Nohr. As Leo presses on to divulge his suspicion that their father is being controlled by the 'true enemy' that Corrin has talked about, Xander cuts him off before indicating his intention to ready his best troops to meet Corrin at the.Leo next appears in, where he and Xander enter the vicinity of the Bottomless Canyon to reinforce Corrin's army with their retainers just as they are preparing to fend against a battalion of Nohrian forces led by Iago. Expressing his delight at being given the opportunity to personally end Iago's life, Leo then aids Corrin in defeating the immediate enemy before them.Leo subsequently aids Corrin's effort to put an end to ' machinations. As soon as the heroes finally enters, but shortly around the same time of ’s death while protecting Corrin from Anankos’, in, Leo and Xander find a similar statue which Garon used to worship on his throne at Nohr, they soon realize that Corrin was right, and the Garon they saw now had been nothing more than one of Anankos’ undead servants all along, thus vowing to avenge their father’s honor for what Anankos had tarnished. In, while Corrin's army is travelling to the that Leo's son Forrest resides in, Leo, in response to Elise's bubbly contemplation over meeting her nephew, suggests a cancellation of the trip.

Shortly after, Niles enters the scene and reports that the located before the army is under attack by brigands. He also mentions that a beautiful has become mired in the chaos as 'she' attempts to heal the wounded. Upon hearing this, Leo, recognizing the Troubadour to be Forrest, immediately hurries to the town and manages to locate his son while the latter is in the midst of looking for more injured people. As Elise begins to fawn over Forrest's exquisite fashion sense, Leo shocks her into silence when he begins berating him for being a disgrace for daring to leave his Deeprealm in clothes that he considers to be unbecoming of his royal title.

Forrest, hurt by his father's words, turns to return to his Deeprealm, only to rush headlong into a group of ruffians, who proceed to abduct him.When Leo appears to hesitate in taking action to rescue his son, Elise, irritated by his apparent lack of responsibility, leads the charge to storm the ruffians' hideout. As the ensuing battle begins, Leo is revealed to have been strategizing in his 'hesitation', urging Corrin's army to avoid fighting the bandits until they are near Forrest. Following the end of the battle, Forrest, upon meeting with Leo, admonishes him for being an unworthy father before preparing to leave for his Deeprealm. He is, however, stopped by a boy whom he had saved earlier on, whereupon he is presented with a brooch as a gift of gratitude.

Leo then seizes on this moment to talk to Forrest, where he apologizes for having been cold and unfeeling, promising to be a better father to him. He then requests Forrest to join Corrin's army so that he can spend more time with him, vowing to learn to be a father worthy of him. 'End of spoilers. It's a pleasure doing business with you!' PersonalityLeo is portrayed as a character who possesses a keen intellect, one that he devotes towards the study of magic and strategy.

In this regard, he is known to be diligent and hardworking in honing his expertise to a fine, sharp edge, to the point where he is widely regarded as a genius who is more than capable of flawlessly handling any difficult situation. Further complementing this facet of Leo's personality is the cold demeanor of calm that he assumes, one that he resolutely maintains even in the face of trying situations.Beneath this exterior of perfection that Leo exudes, however, is a deep-seated inferiority complex that is specifically directed towards Corrin. This inferiority complex is not one that takes its roots from Corrin being his intellectual superior, stemming instead from the fact that they receive far more attention from Xander and Camilla than he does. This dimension of Leo's character is unveiled through his supports with Corrin, where he, while in the midst of tutoring them in the art of strategy, reveals his jealousy of Corrin having received far more attention than he has from both Xander and Camilla.Leo shows little love for his mother as he was simply used as leverage during the political war between Garon's concubines. He flatly states to Elise during their support that he hated his mother.Leo has shown that he truly cares for his elder step-sister, as much as Xander and Camilla do.

In his supports with Azura, Leo admires Azura's. He apologizes to Azura, stating that her singing entranced him, as he had never heard music like that before. Leo is also aware of the stories about the Nohrians' mistreatment towards both her and her mother, Queen Arete.In spite of him being recognized as an intellectual genius, Leo is not blinded by his reputation to the point of arrogance and pomposity.

He is instead known to treat the people whom he engages with the utmost respect and civility, a fact that helps him to cultivate strong relationships with relative ease. His supports with prove this point, where he, in response to her woefully commenting that she is not the right person to turn to for strategy advice, kindly informs her that different people possess different strengths and outlooks that help make them who they are.Leo has also been portrayed to be quite the romantic, capable of capturing the heart of the lady whom he has fallen in love with. This fact can be observed throughout his S-Supports, where he is shown to refrain from being too forceful in his attempt to convince the person he loves to accept him, choosing instead to adopt a slow, yet steady approach to prove the sincerity of his heart. Leo's S-Support with stands as a good example to prove this fact; in this support, he gently melts away the chronic insecurities that she harbors of being trapped in the body of a child by urging her to envision herself as an adult before carefully getting her to imagine him as her spouse.

In doing so, he succeeds in convincing Nyx of the sincerity of his love, following up his feelings with a proposal.Leo hates his father's retainers, and just as much as his half-siblings do, and is shown to be ruthless towards those he has developed a tremendous disdain for. Iago and Zola particularly stand out as the people Leo despises the most, as he executes Iago for his numerous attempts to kill Corrin and his refusal to accept defeat out of cowardice in Birthright and Conquest. Leo also executes Zola in Conquest and Revelation due to his cowardice (trying to win the war disgracefully in Conquest and taking Sakura as a hostage in Revelation), though in Birthright, he almost kills him due to him trying to flee with a smokescreen, but Corrin manages to persuade him to spare Zola. In Conquest, he doesn't appear to show any hatred towards him, only executing him because he would have leaked their treasonous act to Garon otherwise. Hans is the only one Leo does not kill personally, but he still shows some hatred around him, and shows no remorse when he, along with the Nohrian royals, kills him for his shameless crimes.Leo is said to like tomatoes the most out of everyone in the army. His birthday is June 30.In-Game Base Stats.