Electronauts Review

Electronauts Review Rating: 8,2/10 5029 reviews

“A lot of people like Mozart were prodigies; they were writing brilliant works at very young ages,” he said, musing on the future of music. “That’s probably what’s going to happen: some brilliant kid will come along and be popular. I can see a lone artist with a lot of tapes and electrical like an extension of the Moog synthesizer — a keyboard with the complexity and richness of a whole orchestra, y’know? There’s somebody out there, working in a basement, just inventing a whole new musical form.” – Jim Morrison of the Doors interview with Rolling Stone from 1969.

Electronauts Review Like most human beings, I adore music. In fact, my career currently revolves around it as a live sound engineer. From bluegrass to metal, I enjoy listening to and working with. Electronauts Review 95/100 'Electronauts does everything it sets out to do a more, you get so much for the price here and offers something completely unique and much needed to VR. Therefore, Electronauts is something we can highly recommend.' First of all. This is not really what most people would consider a game. But then again. What is a game?

Did Jim Morrison predict a future genre or maybe even what possibly the future of music might become back in the ’60s? Did artists like Enigma, Enya, Skrillex, Diplo, and deadmau5 just to name a few, take the necessary next step and catapult this genrethis type of sound in a new direction? If that is the case, then what Survios has done is taken what Jim Morrison has said, but the skills of the above artists, put it into a blender, filled up some glowsticks and handed them out to this all-access dubstep rave house party and set us all free with Electronauts for the PlayStation VR. Think about your favorite song. You hear that certain lyricthat certain riffthat certain beat and for a second the music may start to come over you and you are feeling it.

But what if you could be the DJ you always wanted to? Controlling everything from the pitch of the vocals to the beats of the music?

And what if I said you did not have to have any training what so ever? All this is true and even more in Electronauts.But before you begin to make sure both Move controllers are fully charged. If not, then the amount of fun you will have maybe a little short-lived. Once you are ready to go and create, it’s time for a little tutorial to make sure the wave rider is at its best so it makes you at your best. Now that you have the basics out of the way, it’s time to pick one of 40 songs. You can select by Song, Genre, or Artist.

Each song will have its own set of tools that you can use. For example, one song may allow you to use a laser harp while others may only allow a certain set of orbs to use. What I really like is the ability to hear a little bit of the song before you select it. This way I was able to get a little feel of the song and the beat.As you are on your wave rider, there are so many ways that you are able to dissect the song.

You want to mute the snaresgo for it. You want to take out the vocals and just have the intro of the song playgo for it. You want to mute the vocals altogether, raise the pitch, hit that bass, even have the selfie cam go around you as you perform, do it it’s all up to. The greatness that I love is that Survios has somehow created this wizardry with their own Music Reality Engine. This engine alone allows anyone even if they have a zero ounce of music creativity and give them this virtual Monster/Red Bull energy and allow it to run through your veins and come out looking like you should change professions and go on tour. The way the music and tools, and the many parts of the music that can be tuned to your liking mixes so beautifully with the immersion of Virtual Reality. I felt like I was playing in front of not only the ones watching me pass by as I was showing off my impressive mix style that yet could really show how impressive I am in Virtual Reality, but I felt like the millions and millions of my fans were watching me via a galatic stream of sorts.There are some things I wish Electronauts for the PlayStation VR had. I would have loved the multiplayer aspect to have carried over from the PCVR version so that essentially you and a friend could jam out and make music.

It would be cool if there was some type of voting system where others could vote on your mix and that way we could see who would be at the top for that particular song. Also, the ability to add our own songs via a thumb drive would be awesome. Who knows, it may be possible to add one or all of these with an update. Is it necessaryno.

I am just saying what I think would be cool to be added. Electronauts has a lot going for it thanks to the immersion, the Music Reality Engine that keeps everything in tune no matter how hard you may try to mess up, the amazing sounds, and the number of artists who allowed part of their heart and soul to be your creative playground.

Some people are able to show their artistic sides in various ways that people will admire, but sometimes we just need that freedom of the virtual platform to be able to bring out our creative sides that we may not know we had.

The thing that a lot of gamers and even developers forget sometimes is that simple interactions that wouldn’t play on a standard display can shine in virtual reality. Electronauts recognises that, placing you on a cosmic stage hurtling through space and arming you with a series of instruments. There’s very little “game” to speak of here, but as an interactive piece of software, it’s thoroughly entertaining.

There are around 50 songs included in the package, many from artists you’re unlikely to have heard of; we recognised The Chainsmokers among the roster, but most of the bands seem to be relatively unknown. That’s okay, though, because the music is enjoyable for the most part – and it’s varied, too, spanning everything from disco to house to hip-hop to trap.

The way the game works is that you’re placed in front of three tables, each of which can be equipped with a different musical module or instrument. Using a pair of sticks operated by the PlayStation Move wands, you can drag and drop the components that you want to use and interact with them. Sometimes you’ll be triggering samples with a palette of orbs, other times manipulating loops.

Exactly what you do with the musical canvas is up to you. You can record bars of music by holding the Move button and playing sequences, and then you can re-order the notes like you would in a digital audio workstation. These segments can be muted and unmuted manually, or applied to a larger arrangement panel where you can build up your own songs.

What’s particularly neat is that the title maintains a sense of “play” throughout. Muting and unmuting samples while hammering away at a harp and dropping in vocal stings is intuitive but most importantly interactive; you can really get into the zone, and once you start “feeling” the music you can lose hours just building up a composition and performing it “live”.

Electronauts Review

It’s important to note that the game has been designed with non-musicians in mind; everything is in-key and in-time, and it can be hard to create something that sounds truly horrendous. Obviously this means that you can enjoy the program with zero musical knowledge, but it also limits the creativity to a degree; you’re not going to be making anything truly original here at all.

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That said, you can get imaginative with your remixes, and the fact that you can do it all off the cuff through experimentation is entertaining. The visuals are crisp in PlayStation VR, and because the experience is generally quite stationary, there’s no danger of motion sickness; we played for a good few hours in complete comfort and still could have carried on for longer.


Electronauts’ slickly presented, highly interactive sound stage makes for a thoroughly entertaining musical application. It’s so easy to get into the groove as you remix songs in virtual reality, and while you probably won’t recognise a lot of the artists included, the songs are solid and easy to manipulate. Veteran musicians may long for a little more control, but by emphasising accessibility, this is a game that everyone can enjoy.


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Review copy provided by Survios

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