Crash Of Cars Hidden Cars

Crash Of Cars Hidden Cars Rating: 6,9/10 5093 reviews

The Car Lab is a feature available on the main menu of the game. This is the place where Fusion Vehicles are made, and it only opens up at level 10. If a player goes to check there before they reach level 10, the gates will be locked and a message will tell the player to check back at level 10.

It's no secret that modern automotive technology has made cars safer than ever. Crumple zones, airbags, semi-autonomous accident avoidance technology—it all works together to keep the humans inside a vehicle isolated from the violent forces of kinetic energy that unfold during a wreck.There are still plenty of people who drive older cars, though. In fact, the average car on the road in the U.S. Right now is about 11 years old.

Safety technology has come a long way in just a decade. If someone tells you, 'They don't make 'em like they used to,' they're absolutely correct. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety that old, heavy-looking cars are safer than newer ones a few years back.Still, some of us—myself included—prefer to drive cars that are even older than that. Call it a stylistic choice, a point of pride, a throwback to when America was supposedly great—whatever.

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I only began thinking of the safety implications of driving an antique car after I recently got into an accident in one.There I was, sitting in a viscous flow of cars a few hundred yards behind a stop light in my 1965 Chevrolet Malibu. The radio was playing, the windows were down. I was wearing my lap belt and had my right arm draped over the back of the bench seat, which had never been equipped with headrests. Traffic was stop and go. Through the tiny disc of my single side-view mirror, I could see that whoever was behind me in line for the light was following a little close for comfort. Then the inevitable happened.

The car in front of me stopped short, and so did I. I let off the brakes for a split second to give the driver behind me enough space to react, but to no avail. Perhaps she didn't see me stop, or maybe she couldn't see my car's tiny brake lights in the afternoon glare.

The result was a thud that sounded a lot like when a truck runs over one of those big steel plates covering a repair area on the road.' Fortunately, the other car didn't hit the Malibu with much force, but the dainty chrome rear bumper, which had been affixed before the federal government began requiring bumpers that absorbed the impact of a 5-mph crash, had been smooshed in.It was then that I began to consider all the other safety advances that had been institutionalized since the Sixties. Three-point lap and shoulder safety belts – lap belts only keep you in your seat, but can't prevent your face from smashing into the steering wheel. Collapsible steering columns, which keep you from getting impaled on the steering column when you aren't held back by the shoulder belts you don't have. Breakaway engine mounts, which help the engine slide back, down and under the car in a forward collision, rather than smashing upward into the passenger compartment and splattering its occupants all over the nice vinyl upholstery. Fuel tanks farther away from the rear bumper, to protect them from rear impact energy.Byron Bloch, who has served as an for past 50 years, said that most classic car owners are unaware that the cars they're driving are complete death traps.' In anything pre-'68, you can get harpooned by the steering column ramming into your face, neck or chest,' he explained in a phone interview.

'I like the nostalgia and appearance of the cars from the Fifties and Sicties, but they're mostly lethal.' Motor vehicle safety standards improved a lot in the early Seventies, but the popularity of smaller, more efficient cars throughout the Eighties made for cars that subjected their occupants to more risk in crashes.' Japanese cars from the Eighties and Nineties are very minimal in terms of safety,' Bloch said. 'Automakers' emphasis was not on safety, but on fuel efficiency, reliability and affordability.' Built a number of in 1973 (A.C.R.S. Is just a fancy name for airbags, and Bloch owns ), but automakers didn't start using them until the early Nineties. That's really when the industry seems to have gotten serious about automotive safety.

It's been on the up and up ever since, although Bloch contends that there are still improvements to be made – such as installing stronger seats that are better able to hold up to the force of a rear impact. Which brings us back to the accident I had in the old death trap Malibu. It's a good thing I was driving in slow traffic. Without headrests – the seat back ends mid-scapula – I would almost certainly have suffered from some form of whiplash in a high speed collision. Bloch talked a lot about fuel tanks and their rearward orientation in pre-Seventies cars.

Burnout. A rear impact could skewer the tank, ripping it open and exposing fuel vapor to sparks from ripping metal.Sure enough, when I looked under the car the day after my accident, I noticed that the bumper had pushed against another piece of steel, which had in turn jammed into the fuel filler tube, which can be found by flipping down the rear license plate. The tube was bent to one side, and showed signs of metal fatigue where it connected to the tank.